My life has entered a bit of a whirlwind. We were all set on starting for a baby next, saving money up to pay for birth, looking into minivans, about to let my bosses know our plans, meeting the local midwives groups and so on. Just as we are about to hit the conception months a bomb gets tossed into our laps, and I am out of a job. I work as a nanny for a AMAZING family, but they were both let go from their positions and in essence so was I. They are going to continue paying me for a while because they are wonderful loyal people, but this messes with "the plan". We have a very harmonious life around our schedules for both our jobs, and I honestly don't think I will be finding work that starts at 3am and is over by noon like I have now. I am not overly stressed, everything is meant to be and has a reason, I am just waiting to see what will come of this.
My husband says for right now we can continue on as usual, and we don't have to put off trying just yet, we just wont put a date on it. First we have to see where the chips fall.
So to get back to business I have been doing fertility yoga for about 2 months now. I have watched almost every video on youtube, and now have a favorite or two.
Fertility Yoga; Pulling Down the Moon Is by far my favorite! Not chatting just straight up yoga posses flowing from one to the next.I love this one to start my day
Yoga for Fertlity with Yoga Yin part 1 and Part 2 Is more relaxing, so I do this one before bed.
Every few days Honey likes to do yoga too. I have done so many kid yoga video's and Radiant Child Yoga is by far the best. These ladies take the cake, no cartoons or animation just straight up Yoga. Honey has been doing this video with me since he was about 18 months.
and there is my little Honey being love